QMS 202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Confidence Interval, Standard Deviation, Test Statistic

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2 n to construct a confidence interval for the population mean ( ) using the: since we know the population standard deviation, we can use the formula m a- (1. 2: here is called the critical value, for a 95% confidence interval, a = 2 and: for a 99% confidence interval, to find crit value, dist > norm > invn and a = , df= n-1 o o: proportion p z a. 2 p p (1 n where p = sample proportion = X n: calculator method, intr > z >1-s (s. dev known, intr > t > 1-s (s. dev unknown, intr > z > 1-p. *sometimes the sample mean doesn"t fall inside the limit. If sample size is a decimal, always round up. Hypothesis testing one sample: ho, null hypothesis ( equals, greater or equal, lesser or equal, h1 or ha, alternative hypothesis ( not equal, greater, lesser, always population parameters!