QMS 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Integer Sequence, Level Of Measurement, Sorting

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Qms 102 crib sheet test 1 fall 2017 (front) No particular order or ranking to these categories. Examples: marital status, sports, eye color, car brands, sports etc. Natural order to category (one category is higher/better than another) Examples: letter grades, professional ranking, olympic games medals etc. The value of 0 does not mean there"s no amount of the characteristic being. 0 means the absence of the characteristic i. e. 0= nothing. Examples of discrete ratio: vacations taken in the past 10 years, number of. Dvds you own, number of employees in a company etc. Examples of continuous: house sizes, gas prices, distance etc. Discrete is counted (ex: number of students, vacations in a year etc. ) Consecutive numbers, or repeated numbers (may be repeated twice of 5 times) Must indicate stem units if not to be taken at face value. Must be at least one leaf associated with first and last stems.