PSY 302 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Albert Bandura, Erogenous Zone, Phallic Stage

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In both freud"s and erikson"s theories, development is largely driven by biological maturation: for freud behaviour is motivated by the need to satisfy basic drives. In erikson"s theory development is driven by a series of developmental crises related to age and biological maturation to achieve healthy development, the individual must successfully resolve these crises. Psychic energy- the biologically based, instinctual drives that fuel behaviour, thoughts, and feelings-- becomes focused in different erogenous zones, that is the areas of the body that are erotically sensitive (e. g. the mouth, anus, and genitals) Freud believed that in each stage, children encounter conflicts related to a particular erogenous zone and that their success or failure in resolving these conflicts affects their development throughout life. Freud"s term for the conflict experienced by boys in the phallic period because of their sexual desire for their mother and their fear of retaliation by their father. A sexual desire for the mother: electra complex.