PSY 302 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Intersubjectivity, Task Analysis, Working Memory

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Document Summary

Cognition: activity of knowing and mental process used to gain knowledge. Cognitive development: development of thinking and reasoning: occurs in stages (discontinuous, results from 2 things. Adjusting schemes to fit the environment: children go under continuous cognitive changes. Theories provide framework to understanding important info: raise questions, motivate new research. Study of development of knowledge: children stimulate their own environment. Active both mentally and physically from birth: scheme: pattern of thought or action. Children are born with only reflexes and learn other schemes later on. Sensorimotor: 0-2, organized patterns of behaviour, 6 stages. Imitation development reflective deferred object permanence development things continue to exist even if hidden. A-not-b error: infants will look for item in same place they found it before. One thing can represent something else: language. Symbolic/preoperational: 2-7, mentally representing experiences, deficits in reasoning. Centration: understanding objects based on perceptual figure. Concrete operational: 7-11, using internal mental activity to reach logical conclusion, able to conserve.