PSY 102 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Codeine, Sound, Sensory Memory

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Sensation detecting stimulus from the environment. Perception selecting, organizing, and interpreting those sensations. Sensory receptors in the eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and skin transduce neural signals to various parts of the brain to create sensory experiences. Absolute thresholds the minimum amount of stimulation necessary to detect a particular stimulus 50% of the time. Sensory adaptation sensitivity to stimuli can diminish as a consequence of constant stimulation. Signal detection theory how stimuli are detected under different conditions. Reaction time our ability to quickly detect a stimulus affects our ability to react to that stimulus. Parallel processing- the ability to attend to many sense modalities simultaneously. Processing in which a whole is constructed from parts. Conceptually driven processing influenced by beliefs and expectancies. Perceptual sets environmental conditions, experiences, expectations, motivation, and alertness affect what we sense. Selective attention conscious awareness is focused only on a very limited aspect of all that you experience.