PSY 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Multisensory Integration, Long Term Ecological Research Network, Blindsight

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Sensation detection of physical energy by sense organs, which then send information to the brain. Perception the brain"s interpretation of raw sensory inputs: de ne transduction. Absolute threshold lowest level of a stimulus needed for the nervous system to detect a change 50 precent of the time. Just noticeable difference the smallest change in the intensity of a stimulus that we can detect. Signal detection theory theory regarding how stimuli are detected under different conditions. The mcgurk effect demonstrates that we integrate visual and auditory information when processing spoken language, and our brains automatically calculate the most probable sound given the information from the two sources. Synesthesia a condition in which people experience cross modal sensations. Hearing sounds when they see colour , or even tasting or smelling colours: we are constantly bombarded with sensory information and we must use selective attention. Describe the lter theory of attention and the cocktail party effect.