PHL 606 Study Guide - Final Guide: Thesis Statement

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I have listed below several possible test questions for your mid-term. This question will be worth 10: you have 1 hour and 50 minutes to respond, your answers should be in essay form, and hand-written in legible writing, no books may be consulted during the test. For this reason, you are also not expected to cite the text: the test will take place in our regular classroom, at the time of our class. How to develop good answers: make sure you"ve developed true insight into the core ideas of the readings, and that you articulate this insight in your own voice. The aim of this course is to help you develop insight into some deeply influential ideas, and to see why they are rationally compelling. You don"t need to fully and completely agree with the ideas in question. Reading other sources will give you someone else"s way of making sense of the text.