PHL 214 Study Guide - Hypothetical Syllogism, Syllogism, Genetic Fallacy

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9 Nov 2013

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Therefore, flowers are probably coloured. : the genetic fallacy is a kind of red herring, in a straw man fallacy, the premises are irrelevant to the conclusion, multiple choice, an argument: sally is a mathematician. If she"s a mathematician, she"s bad at art. Draw a diagram to represent the following argument in the space below: most people think the lunar landing was real, but in fact it was a big hoax. First of all, consider that it"s physically impossible for human beings to travel more than 100 km from the surface of the earth. (i know, because my uncle told me so. ) Moreover, the only evidence we have for the lunar landing is that the american government said it happened; but they lie about everything all the time. : identifying fallacies. Seeing as you apparently don"t agree that he should step down, i conclude you must be one of those people: there"s no evidence that rob ford smokes crack.