PAT 20A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Histamine, Exudate, Selectin

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Vascular response (reacts in seconds & lasts for minutes) Response stimulated by sympathetic nervous system: platelets adhere to vessels & aggregate to seal injured area forming fibrin- Leukotrienes (vasc. permeability: results in hyperemia ( blood flow in area = redness & heat) Permeability: movement of fluid from capillaries to tissue spaces, inflammatory exudate = albumin. Tissue becomes edematous (swelling) pressure, drawing extra fluid from blood vessels. Release of leukocytosis inducing hormone = leukocytosis( . Monocytes macrophages release cytokines = cause endothelial cells to express cams (selectins & integrins) E selectins(cams) sprout at injury site & line along edges of blood vessel. Wbcs: rolling slow down(blood is more viscous) & move to inner surface of capillaries. Wbcs start to roll along the endothelial cell wall. Hit, stick, move along & slows down to a stop(selectins: firm adhesion. Wbcs adhere to the endothelial cell wall by integrin linking. Tnf to endothelial cams mediated by: diapedesis.