PAT 20A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Azotemia, Extracellular Fluid, Heart

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Caused by conditions that produce an acute decrease in or cessation or renal function. Rapid decline in kidney function sufficient to increase blood levels of nitrogenous wastes. Potentially reversible if the precipitating factor can be corrected or removed before permanent kidney damage has occurred. Pre-renal: decreased blood flow to the kidney. Intrinsic or intrarenal: disorders that disrupt the structures in the kidney. Post renal: disorders that interfere with the elimination of urine from the kidney. Azotemia: an accumulation of nitrogenous wastes ( urea nitrogen, uric acid and creatinine) in the blood. Decrease in the gfr: as a result, excretion of nitrogenous wastes is reduced. Response to severe volume depletion and hypotension . If not treated leads to intrinsic/intrarenal aki . Results in gfr (cid:271)/(cid:272) of de(cid:272)reased perfusio(cid:374) Reversible if the cause of the re(cid:374)al (cid:271)lood flow (cid:272)a(cid:374) (cid:271)e ide(cid:374)tified and corrected before kidney damage occurs. Volume loss from gi, renal, cutaneous losses ( burns), hemorrhage, pancreatitis.