OHS 208 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vicarious Liability, Criminal Negligence, Private Law

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The big problems appears to be getting people motivated to take action. The law is one motivator, it helps set standards and priorities, but most importantly the role to provide an incentive to change conduct. Three main pressures for change: legal pressure: fear of prosecution. What is law: law is about certain social phenomena. Murder, rape, divorce, cheating, trespass, nuisance: law involves certain participants. Plaintiffs, defendants, lawyers, judges, bureaucrats, lobby groups, law reform commissions, legal philosophers: law physically consist of legal materials. Cases, acts, regulations, guidelines, policy documents, treaties, tickets, constitutions, bills of rights, orders, decisions, notices. When individuals understand that there are standards that one: law consists of legal concepts must live up to or face a conviction, there will be an improvement in motivation towards better ohs measures. Due diligence is a defence to a charge = ohs system.