NSE 13A/B Quiz: WEEK 1objective

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Week 1: self-review anatomy and physiology including the central nervous system, reflex arc, cranial and spinal nerves, distinguish between techniques used to assess impulses carried in the spinothalamic tract and the posterior/dorsal columns. Point location: touch skin and withdraw stimulus quickly - ask pt to point where they were touched: outline the developmental changes, cultural considerations and health promotion strategies, assess overall level of consciousness (loc) and general survey. Health history questions: headache, head injury, dizziness or vertigo ( do you feel like your spinning or env is spinning, seizures - many diff types - but movmeent of arms and limbs or consciousness, tonic clonic. Incoordination seizure: tremors, weakness, numbness or tingling sensation -- a possible indication of nerve damage, difficulty swallowing, diff speaking, significant past history, env and occupational hazards. Cniii: oculomotor- pupillary reflex and 6 cardinal positions. Cnv: trigeminal - motor: clench teeth and push on them and see if they resist.