NSE 13A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Learning Management System, Keloid

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Macule, papule, wheal, vesicle, ulcer, pustule, keloid, fissure: inspect and palpate skin, hair and nails, inspect skin for lesions using abcde mnemonic and identify danger signs of any suspicious skin lesions, practice using the braden scale. The lower the value- the higher the risk of experiencing skin breakdown or skin ulcerations: verbally report and document subjective and objective findings. Lab/debriefing objectives: participate in assigned debriefing method during part of lab (instructions will be posted on learning management system, discuss the virtual gaming simulation, reflect on learning following the virtual gaming simulation. Week 9 objectives: self-review anatomy and physiology, outline and practice subjective questions and identify critical findings, outline the developmental changes, cultural considerations and health promotion strategies. Ears: children have horizontal ear canal, which makes then more sensitive to infection from nasopharynx ( don"t feed baby bottle when lying down)- and pull ear down when taking tympanic temp.