NSE 13A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Mammography, Lifesaving, Health Promotion

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4 types: complete (total health) database: collection of data of the patient s complete health history (current and past health states) which results of a full physical examination. First time patients who you know nothing about: episodic or problem-centered database: collection of data for a limited or short-term problem that mainly concerns one problem. Surgery patient in hospital develops shortness of breath: follow-up database: collection of data that evaluates the status of short-term or chronic health problems. Looking for changes that could have occurred (better or worse: emergency database: rapid collection of data (only ask necessary questions) that is often compiled while life-saving measures. Age, gender, social context, illness, and wellness needs. Infants are children have well-child assessments that check their development. Specific guidelines for immunizations, papanicolaou tests, mammography. It is a culmination of who we are, what we do, what we believe and who our peers are.