NSE 13A/B Final: NSE13WinterExamReview

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16 Dec 2016
NSE 13 : Health Assessment- Winter Exam Review
Week 1: Relational practice and cultural considerations
1. Describe expectations of students related to professional behaviour
Be respectful
Ask for help when needed, know your limitations
2. Describe the assessment phase of the nursing process and its relation to setting priorities and
diagnostic reasoning in clinical judgement and critical thinking
Point of entry in an ongoing process
Assessment takes 2-3 years to develop competency
Collect data, use evidence based assessment, document relevant data
Setting priorities
First level
Emergencies, life threatening, immediate action required
Second level
Prompt intervention to prevent further deterioration
Third level
Important to health but can be treated after more urgent ones are assessed
Diagnostic reasoning
Process of analyzing health data and drawing conclusions to identify a diagnosis
Attend to initial available cues
Formulating diagnostic hypotheses
Gathering data relative to tentative hypothesis
Evaluating each hypothesis to get the final diagnosis
Critical Thinking
Dynamic process using clinical practice to make informed choices
3. Describe relational practice and how they relate to health assessment
Relational practice
Accounts for health, illness and the meaning they hold for each person
People’s meanings depend many factors such as on social, cultural, family, historical etc
Nurses are to focus on what is significant to people in the context of their everyday lives and how
capacities and socienvironmental limitations shape people’s choices
Central skills include:
Reflectivity: a process of continually examining how you view and respond to patients on
the basis of your own assumptions, cultural and social orientation etc
4. Describe subjective and objective data and identify the association between the two
Subjective data:
What the person says about themselves
Objective data:
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What you observe by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating
5. Identify the association between assessment and evidence-informed practice
Evidence informed Assessment
All patients must be treated with the most current best practice techniques
Assessment is the collection of data about an individual
Evidence informed practice
Is increasingly used to include more of a view of what counts as evidence
Is a systematic approach to practice that focuses on the use of best evidence in combination with
clinicians experience and assessment skills.
6. Describe the expanding concept of health and health promotion
Concepts of health
Biomedical model
Health is the absence of disease
Focuses on diagnosis and treatment of those pathogens and curing the disease
Behavioural model
Health care extends beyond treating diseases to include secondary and primary
preventions with emphasis on changing behaviour and lifestyle
Socio-environmental model
Incorporates sociological and environmental aspects in addition to the biomedical and
behavioural ones
Social determinants of health
Political conditions etc
7. Describe the four types of databases and frequency of assessment
1. Complete (total health) data base:
a. Full physical
b. Current and past health to form base line
c. Yields first diagnosis
d. Coping patterns and daily living, health goals
2. Episodic data base
a. Short term problem
b. Concerned with one main problem
c. Used in all settings
3. Follow up data base
a. Status of identified problem should be evaluated regularly in intervals
b. Used in all settings
4. Emergency data base
a. Rapid collection of data while life saving measures are occurring
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Frequency of exams
Varies on the person
Periodic health examinations
Designed to prevent morbidity by identifying modifiable risk factors and early signs of
treatable conditions
8. Explore values and beliefs that underpin Client Centred Care as they relate to creating an
inclusive learning environment.
Client centered care
Clients goals coordinate care of the health care team; continuity and consistency of care and
caregiver, timeliness; responsiveness and universal access to care- RNAO quote
Human dignity
Experts for own lives
9. Describe the central concepts of cultural and social considerations
Complex dimension of people’s lives
Values, beliefs, customs
Need to avoid stereotypes
Critical cultural perspective
Culture is a relational aspect of people’s lives
It shifts and changes
Acting in a certain way due to their culture
We can not assume anything
10. Describe how awareness of your own culture will affect patient care
Remain critically reflective about how you may be conveying your own culture and how it may
affect the client
The more you know about yourself the more objective you can be and set your own biases aside
11. Discuss demographic profile of Canada and enthnocultural diversity of the Canadian
70% immigrants have a native language
We are an aging population
Very divers
Some people can’t communicate in our
national languages
Very diverse patients & qualifying for health care takes time
Receive little health care benefits
Lots of inequalities
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Document Summary

Nse 13 : health assessment- winter exam review. Week 1: relational practice and cultural considerations: describe expectations of students related to professional behaviour. Ask for help when needed, know your limitations: describe the assessment phase of the nursing process and its relation to setting priorities and diagnostic reasoning in clinical judgement and critical thinking. Point of entry in an ongoing process. Assessment takes 2-3 years to develop competency. Collect data, use evidence based assessment, document relevant data. Important to health but can be treated after more urgent ones are assessed. Process of analyzing health data and drawing conclusions to identify a diagnosis. Evaluating each hypothesis to get the final diagnosis. Dynamic process using clinical practice to make informed choices: describe relational practice and how they relate to health assessment. Accounts for health, illness and the meaning they hold for each person. People"s meanings depend many factors such as on social, cultural, family, historical etc.