[MHR 405] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 64 pages long Study Guide!

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Motivation internal drive to do something because of such things as interest, challenge, and personal satisfaction. Motivation that comes from outside the person such as praise, pay, tangible rewards, or a promotion. Maslow suggested that we are motivated simultaneously by several primary needs (drives), but the strongest source of motivation is the lowest unsatisfied need at the time. As the person satisfies a lower- level need, the next higher need in the hierarchy becomes the primary motivator and remains so even if never satisfied. The exception to this need fulfilment process is self -actualization; as people experience self- actualization, they desire more rather than less of this need. While the bottom four groups are deficiency needs because they become activated when unfulfilled, self -actualization is known as a growth need because it continues to develop even when fulfilled. Need for achievement people with a strong need for achievement (nach) want to accomplish reasonably challenging goals through their own effort.