LAW 529 Study Guide - Final Guide: Canadian National Railway

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The duty to accommodate has required employers to proactively ensure that barriers to employees" equal participation in the workplace are removed. Fundamental principle of human rights law; promotes individualized assessment, dignity and inclusion. A brief history of the duty to accommodate. The birth of the duty to accommodate: the 1985 o"malley decision. The development of the duty to accommodate by the supreme court of canada in the. Central alberta dairy pool v. alberta (human rights commission) (1990) British columbia (public service employee relations commission) v. bcgseu ( meiorin ) (1999) Female who wanted to be a firefighter. Accommodating disability s. 17 of the ohrc: Employer must accommodate the needs of people with disabilities so they can perform the essential duties of the job , unless doing so would cause undue hardship. Accommodate to a point of undue hardship - reasonableness.