LAW 529 Study Guide - Final Guide: Royal Oak Mines, Collective Bargaining, Arbitration Clause

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Collective bargaining freeze (b)the duty to bargain in good faith and make reasonable efforts to conclude a collective agreement. Section 17 of the ontario labour relations act, 1995 requires that the parties meet within 15 days from the giving of the notice bargain in good faith and make every reasonable effort to make a collective agreement . What does it mean to bargain in good faith: this does not mean you cannot hard bargain - make a tough deal, you don"t have to give up everything to make the other side happy. Just cause you have a union that does not mean you will get more money, which some ee do not understand. It means willingness to enter into collective agreement. Remedies: order; declaration; posting decision; monetary rewards. International woodworkers of america local 2-69 v. consolidated bathurst. Packaging ltd: the duty to bargain and the substance of bargaining proposals: the what of collective.