LAW 529 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ivan Rand, Rand Formula, Majoritarianism

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Oct 26, 2017: certification: majoritarianism and exclusivity, unfair labour practices, codified right of workers to strike. The rand formula (1946) from the bench. Ivan rand was a scc judge, founded western u"s law school on retirement. After wwll, pc 1003 was repealed and each province enacted its own labour relations. 1950s-1960s: economic growth and stability -union membership significantly increased. Labour relations legislation, outputs of the collective bargaining regime, and legal. To interpret and enforce labour relations legislation enacted by governments. To interpret and enforce collective agreements negotiated by union and employers. To enforce tort law as applied to collective activities and to provide judicial review of decisions of arbitrators and labour relations boards. Unionized workers used to be more men, but after 2002 it has shifted to women. Canadian ees governed by the collective bargaining regime. Last quarter of the 20th century, several changes in the economy have negatively affected union density.