HTT 607- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 36 pages long!)

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Heart & stroke foundation: 43% increase in the world of event planning overall (the bureau of labour statistics. Role of an event leader: you"re the orchestra leader; you can hear the music but you"re not executing it! Independent planner: work on your own or work for an event planning company, hired by any company, hired on contract, examples, e=mc2 events (toronto company; ex. Junho awards: events by parris (event planning & Full-time event planner: employee, salary based, plan for 1 specific company, examples, td bank. Htt607 week 1 january 16th 2017 iclickers: average of 4-8 questions per class, max of 2 points, participation = 1 point, correct answer = 2nd point. Impact: you want to have an impact when planning the event; especially for the fundraiser for annual events so that people will participate. Special events umbrella: corporate and association, retail, sports and entertainment, leisure and recreation, government, social (ex. galas, personal social (ex. weddings, baby showers, birthday parties, anniversaries)