HTM 402 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Uptodate, Market Research, Swot Analysis

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Primary goal: what is the market potential of this business in the future site? (potential test qs) 1990: no one was having babies, life expectancy + Therefore, more old people and less young people to play tennis. 1937: (best gen) no competition, success rate + because few people were born. 1961: (worst gen) gen x, huge crowd of late boomers, not many jobs for gen x bc "37 took most jobs. 2000: forecast that the echo-gen will pick up the sport. Consumers in their 30s-40s was rising (long-term trend) However, income + therefore new trends rose for at least a decade or so until the next generation of teens- People aging; more buying cosmetics, even men (and there were more men > women in the world atm) *age is the best forecasting tool bc it is guaranteed to change. Decrease in drugs, crime and violence, all linked to aging population. Demographics: helps a lot with forecasting *important; 5 year timeline.