HST 632- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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British isles in the 17th century: modern day: england, scotland, wales, and northern ireland are all the united kingdom; the. Ireland however, the native irish don"t want to be under english control. Institute english government/parliament in ireland the irish are excluded from their own government. Religion by 1600: most english people are protestant, broke away from the church of rome, english protestantism was different from lutheran or calvinism church of england was a balance between those, the irish are roman catholic. Ironically, the irish had been converted to catholicism by missionaries sent there in the. 16th century they only embraced it because it was anti-english : religion mixing with identity part of being irish is not being english. Elizabeth i (has a 45-year reign, very successful) Mary, would succeed not his older sister, margaret, whom he disliked: however, elizabeth broke that, and chose a descendant of margaret king james vi of.