HST 522 Final: HST 522Final Exam Review

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Oil: exploitation of oil substantial part of many economies in the middle east, venezuelans sent emissaries to middle east to spread awareness about 50-50 profit sharing between oil companies and governments. Iran hostage crisis (november 1979: group of students stage sit in at us embassy, lasts 444 days after shah goes to usa for cancer treatment, backed by khomeini, anti-american dimension. Iranian military victories in 1982 but rhetoric to continue revolution into jerusalem. Iran-contra affair (1985-7) traded american arms for release of american hostages in. Ceasefire by 1988: consequences-damaged infrastructure, casualties, strengthened nationalism in both iran and. Imprisonment of communists and other leftists land owned by an individual, extra land was redistributed to peasants, broke the power of land holding elite, reinforced populist tendencies: 1956 constitution was anti-imperialist and anti-feudalist, theoretical democracy with bill of. Israel, the arab states, palestine: 1948 arab-israeli war. Israeli institutional strength, german holocaust reparations, defense aid.