GEO 505 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rocky Mountains, Fjord, Interior Plains

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Paradox: chain of cordillera mountains that extend from bc to seattle (so more part of us then. Canada: due to its west coast location it has an orientation from asia (strong economic ties to. Asia rim and us: politically it is part of the union (decisions that are made in central canada have far reaching implications for bc) Growing number of trading partners in export-oriented economy diminished reliance on us. Economy increasingly dependent on transportation role between asia and north america. Growing value of knowledge-based industries (creative industries) Centralist/decentralist faultline reveals paradox between bc"s geographic and political orientations. Distance from canadian core and struggle for political power leads to tension with ottawa. 10% of land mass and 13% population of canada. Defined by dramatic interface between sea and mountains. Rocky mountains as physical and cultural divide. Cascadia: expression of trans-boundary regional connection between bc, washington and oregon.