GEO 312 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: No Idea Records, Mission Indians, Market Basket

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Las vegas test 2 review: china effect: double check this. One of the reasons, poor have not being doing as badly as first appearance during the rising equality. Controlled even decreasing prices for basics and greater range of available goods. Ex: spending by poor is not inflating as fast as much of the rich. Estimate 213 of growing inequality was offset by lower inflation: 2010 u. s. health care bill: Estimated 45. 0 million people, 15. 6% of the populations were without health insurance coverage, 2003. Children without health insurance 8. 4 million, 11. 4% of all children. Uninsured are only 25% likely to have usual source of care outside the emergency room. Uninsured often go without screening and preventive care. Excess deaths annually result due to lack of health insurance. In 2010, the law includes health related provisions to take effect over several years, including expanding medicaid people making up to 133% of the federal poverty level.