[EUS 102] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (69 pages long)

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The discipline concerned with questions of how one should live (ethics); What sorts of things exist and what are their essential natures (metaphysics); And what are the correct principles of reasoning (logic) Ethics and epistemology: the most important branches of philosophy for environment and sustainability studies. Epistemology: the theory and study of knowledge: how we know the world; the nature and extent of human knowledge. Episteme: to know, based on general analytical rationality. Techne: technique/ technology, based on practical instrumental rationality. Phronesis: practical wisdom, based on practical value rationality. Environmental ethics: how we value the world around us. Recognized as important philosophical inquiry in 1970s: developed from late 19th century throughout 20th century. Important influences: john muir nature as positive force (founder of sierra club, aldo leopold the land ethic, arne naess deep ecology, rachel carson - silent spring, paul and anne ehrlich the population bomb. Critical components of the land ethics include the concepts of community and.