EID 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Personal Information Protection And Electronic Documents Act, Mark Zuckerberg, Cass Sunstein

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Document Summary

Social and economic innovation/ tech innovation funding models. Module 1: the big trade: eyeballs for access. Web 2. 0 = convergence, video, mobility, remixability, standardization, participation, social software, design: uses technology beyond static pages of web 1. 0, interact and collaborate in social media environment. Interactivity: video: ideas take life when shared become really creative, web is mass of conversation = mass innovation, old business structures like a pyramid but mass innovation comes crom communities like birds. When media becomes social: rich media / collaboration / social networks, communities of practice manuel castells. Problem: if your not paying for a product you are the product. Facebook brand communities: online personal branding etiquette: Select network for purpose communication style/content = 70/30 prof/personal practice good digital hygiene profile content consistent across platforms asking the right questions build your brand! The global context internet users in the world vary highest asia, eu, latin america, n. aemerica,