CRM 205 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rape Shield Law, Victim Impact Statement, Sexual Intercourse

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W7: rape, sexual assault, and law- october 17th. A culture in which rape and sexual violence are common and in which prevalent attitudes, norms, practices, and media normalize, excuse, tolerate, or even condone rape and sexual assaults. Pernicious myths and misconceptions: the wake up to rape report. 54% of women think that victims of sexual assault are to blame. 1/10 of the women said that dancing provocatively, flirting or wearing revealing clothing made them partly responsible. 1/5 of women thought the victim was at fault if she went back to would-be attacker"s house. 1/3 of men claimed they didn"t think it was rape if they made their partner have sex when they didn"t want to. Myth #1: rape is committed by strangers. Fact: sexual assault is not most often committed by strangers (the image of strangers who jump out of bushes or waits in alleys for their victims).