CRM 205- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 19 pages long!)

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1: sex: socially constructed categories based on culturally accepted biological attributes (chromosomes, genitalia, reproductive organs, hormones). Female and male: gender: socially constructed categories that divide bodies into a binary system. Feminine and masculine: sexualities: a broad term that encompasses a range of concepts, ideologies, identities, behaviours and expressions related to sexual personhood and desire. The importance of theory: gender is one of the most important social distinctions, theories about gender difference attempt to identify the major processes and social. Erving goffman understanding of ourselves, in gendered terms: we must analyze the gender categories constructed by society. Week 2: social constructions of sex, gender and sexuality sept 12th. Socially constructed categories based on culturally accepted biological attributes (chromosomes, genitalia, reproductive organs, hormones). Female-bodied and male-bodied: gender: socially constructed categories that divide bodies into a binary system. Presented as the quote on quote ideal: normal: value-statement which denotes right" and implies an opposite that is abnormal" or wrong".