[CRM 102] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (57 pages long)

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Depends on what a society sees as appropriate and inappropriate. Because the de nition is dependant on a number of factors, it is considered unstable. To explain crime and causes of crime. Circumstances and contexts of crime: economic, cultural, political, social. How to punish crime and how to prevent it. Cesare beccaria: italian philosopher: social contract theory: punishment outweighs crime. Kraft-ebing: german psychiatrist research on sexual deviation. Cesare lombroso: italian anthropologist: criminals have physical anomalies. Emile durkheim: french sociologist: criminals are socially alienated from society. Feudalism: monarch as political authority, crime is de ned by absolute power, kings or queens courts, arbitrary punishment: no process. Economy: aristocracy as land owners, agricultural production, mercantilism: colonial expansion to access raw materials to feed european early industrialization and markets, merchant class in uenced politics and law making. Criminals are: possessed by evil spirits, have no control or will power, weak, inferior human beings. Crime is a sin and a temptation.