COE 318 Final: COE318 – Fall 2013 Final

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Circle the name of your professor: e. bagheri, o. das, t. yang. What is the output of the following program if you consider intobj to be a class containing one private field, an integer. int getint() returns the value of this integer; void setint(int newvalue)changes its value to newvalue. For each of the following questions, circle t (true) or f (false): T / f you can write a constructor for an abstract class. T / f you can declare a constructor in an interface. T / f you can create an instance of an abstract class. T / f a class can extend only one other class. T / f a class can implement at most one interface. Indicate the output of this code for the following cases: (a) if the line 4 is fragile(0) . 6 (b) if the line 4 is fragile(1) . 6 (c) if the line 4 is fragile(2) .