CMN 450 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Participatory Media, Participatory Culture, Capitalism

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The technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies. Communicate across platforms with as many people as possible. Literacy from individual expression to community involvement. Digital ontology = experiencing a reality that is digitally inclined. Fan ction and what made people want to change stories. Doesn"t like/believe in the term viral media because it shouldn"t be seen in that way (the lawyer way) Viral knowledge = either arcane (known by a few) knowledge that can be sold at a price from those in the know or as something that nobody knows. Art should be a free enterprise and should not be like other medias that is private and owned by a few. Intentionally keep things privatized so that it can increase the value, but jenkins believes that art should not be one of them. There are so many apps that there"s no use of trying to control it anyways.