BLG 699- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 55 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Over the counter (otc) drugs: not prescribed, can be bought from pharmacies, long history, deemed safe, can be taken without supervision by physicians. Three names associated with drugs: trade name (e. g. lipitor, generic name (e. g. atorvastatin, chemical name (e. g. [r-(r*, r*)]-2-(4- fluorophenyl)- , -dihydroxy-5-(1-methylethyl)- 3-phenyl-4- Ingredient for the well-known tcm herbal formula known as yunnan bai yao. Foundation of current drug discovery: the renaissance period laid the foundation for scientific thoughts in medicinal preparations and medical treatments. There were many advances made in: anatomy, physiology, surgery, and medical treatments, including public health care, hygiene, and sanitation. In 1796, edward jenner successfully experimented with smallpox inoculations on an 8-year-old boy. Initiated the use of vaccination against some infectious diseases. Only few drugs available in 1900s - all from plants (natural based): digitalis: extracted from a plant called foxglove, digitalis stimulates the cardiac muscles and was used to treat cardiac conditions.