BLG 10A/B Study Guide - Vas Deferens, Prostatic Urethra, Ejaculatory Duct

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What hormones cause ovulation to occur: outline the events in spermatogenesis and the production of viable sperm. *notes: males make 100 of gametes, women ovulate an egg around day 14 in the 28 day cycle. Ovaries take turns creating an egg each month: you need an open fallopian tube in order for the egg to make its way to the reproduction cycle, menopause occurs at around 50. In menopause the ovaries stops making the gametes and the hormones. Indifferent gonad (conception 8 weeks): gonads look similar. 8 weeks the indfferent gonad start to differentiate in the genitalia that it is coded for: male genitalia is a consequence of being surrounded by testosterone. Female genitalia is a consequence of the lack of being around testosterone therefore they develop female gonads: environment can be masculanized making the. Turners syndrome: the female is x: mothers have a nesting drive whereas males have a sexual drive.