RELS 161 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: New Atheism, Islamic Fundamentalism, Atheism

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Rels 161 a: course description, in this course we will explore what religion is and why anyone would bother studying it. The critical media reflection allows students to demonstrate their understanding and critical appraisal of the ways religion is represented and discussed in news or entertainment media. Given its length, the reflection also encourages students to write succinctly: take home exam (40%, 1200-1700 words. Students will be required to use course materials (readings, lectures, tutorial discussions) to answer one of four questions related to the topics covered this term: questions will be posted on moodle on november 23rd. 2016: the exam allows students to demonstrate their in-depth understanding of course topics as well as their ability to think holistically about the issues raised in readings and lectures, due december 14th between 2:00 and 4pm in theo. What is religion and why bother studying it: sept 21 a contemporary problem in religion and culture: