PSYC 333 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: International Planned Parenthood Federation, Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill, Margaret Sanger

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Silphium, a plant used in ancient greece for preventing pregnancy, was so popular it eventually. Psyc 333 topic 6: contraceptives became extinct during third or second century bce: deadly substances like mercury and arsenic also ingested for contraception in ancient cultures. In ancient egypt women inserted tampons soaked in crocodile dung, honey, various other substances thought to prevent conception into vaginas before intercourse. Intra-crural intercourse: rubbing penis between partner"s thighs: family planning: individual/partnered choice over spacing and number of children to have, criticism of china"s one child policy driving parents to commit infanticide. Non-hormonal intra-uterine devices and barrier methods: reversible and safe to use while breastfeeding and for women with adverse reactions to hormone- based contraceptives. 72 hr period post-coitus since effectiveness decreases over time: post-coital iud insertion effectiveness approaches 100%, must be inserted within 7 days of unprotected sex, requires prescription.