PSYC 231- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 58 pages long!)

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Watson and rayner (1920) the little albert study: long term negative consequences on little albert. Mcgraw (1941) effects of repeated pinpricks: repeatedly applied pinpricks to infants" cheeks and bodies, this study was for pain research. Infants showed significant distress, including withdrawal, crying, stress. Dennis (1941) raising children in isolation: studied reduced physical and social stimulation on infant development, placed twins in sensory and socially deprived environment for 14 months, wanted to show benefits of raising children in stimulus-rich environment. Judging benefits and costs: the irb (the institutional review board) Consent: sufficient info to decide whether to participate. Deception rationale want subjects to act naturally; deception is cost to the study so benefits need to outweigh this cost to be approved by irb. No consent needed in some survey, educational, archival, and observational research. Study"s basic description (enough info to decide whether to participate) Opportunity to review final results of study.