PSYC 221- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 38 pages long!)

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Chapter 1: introduction to cognitive psychology: two definitions of the mind, the mind creates and controls mental functions such as perception, attention, memory, emotions, language, deciding, thinking and reasoning, reflects the mind"s central role in determining various abilities. Indicates how the mind operates (creating representations) and its function (enables us to act and to achieve goals) John mccarthy"s "summer research project on artificial intelligence: used humanlike processes to solve programs, massachusetts institute of technology symposium on information theory, george miller "the magic number seven plus or minus two" Limits to the human"s ability to process information: similar point is made through broadbent"s filter model. Illustrate processes involved in cognitive mechanisms: boxes representing specific processes and arrows indicating connections between them. Chapter 2: cognitive neuroscience: cognitive neuroscience, study of physiological basis of cognition. Localization of function: specific functions are served by specific areas of the brain, most cognitive functions served by the cerebral cortex.