PSYC 221 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: College Town, Dementia, 6 Years

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Information retained for a long period of time (anything greater than 30 seconds: triggers that help you remember things: smell, music and emotion. Capacity of ltm: stores a large amount, there is no exact number. Ltm vs stm: semantic (meaning) information, baddeley, memorize a list of words with similar meanings (mad, map, man etc. , another group memorized a list of words with similar meanings (huge, big ,great etc. , results: In a short amount of time, it was easier to remember the list of words with similar meanings, and it was harder to remember ones that sounded similar. In a long amount f time list with similar meanings were harder to get exactly right: sounds stored in stm, meaning stored in ltm. Holding an image in the mind to reproduce a visual pattern that was just seen. Representing the sounds of letters in the mind just after hearing them.