PSYC 203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Institutional Review Board, Statistical Conclusion Validity, Confirmation Bias

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Trust authority figures, but can be biased or in error. Must be careful to avoid relying only on experience. Belief perseverance: tendency to stick to original idea even when discredited. Confirmation bias: only paying attention to information that confirms hypothesis. Availability heuristic: information more readily available often seen as more true. Statistical determinism: when something is probable/can be predicted. Always open to new data and ideas, willing to be challenged. Appears to use scientific methods but actually based on inadequate methods. Associates self with real science to appear more legitimate. Pioneering study on how children develop fears. A lesson on ethics in psychological experiments. Resulting from the study albert suffered from negative long term psychological side effects. Testing the effects of repeated pin pricks. Aim of studying the maturation of the nervous system early in life (age 1-4) Result children in the study psychologically stressed out at the sight of mcgraw with the needle.