POLS 280 Study Guide - Final Guide: Beijing Declaration, Un Women, Millennium Development Goals

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Connectedness of the world means that nations must pay attention to each other and to international bodies. We can plot growth of the movement by seeing the increase of women"s international nongovernmental organizations (wingos) over each year. They do not all work directly with women"s incorporation in political but that is often one of their goals. Un created a place for women to focus their efforts. United nations declared 1975 the international women"s year. Fourth world conference on women in beijing in 1995. Participants lean tactics that have been successful elsewhere. Provide training to candidates (as in vietnam) to directly increase supply. Women empowerment pressure to implement quotas and thus increase demand for female politicians through conditional loan. Cedaw ( convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women) international bill for women confront all forms of discrimination against women and demands that states change their laws o help women (not only banning sexist policies)