POLS 212 Study Guide - Profit Motive, Noam Chomsky, Longrun

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Short answer questions: 2-2 pages in length (quality over quantity) Er articles yet to review: central themes/arguments, names of authors. Short answer questions based more extensively on the readings. Week 2: regionalism and the party system i&ii. Regional differentiation: differences in the levels of variables of interest across region. Regionalism: a view of the world, the well being/interests of the region are politically important. Regionalism may arise from regional differentiation, but the two are not the same; conversely, an ideology of regionalism may produce regional differentiation and other differences in policy. Regionalism makes the assumption that regional differentiation and identities (pre)exist. Most differences that arise across region are actually fairly small. Magnitude of difference across regions concerning certain issues i. e. welfare and healthcare spending, education, private sector and job creation how much more/less should be spent. There is a persistent regional difference in defence spending: qc consistently wants less.