POLS 110- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 38 pages long!)

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Document Summary

It is about power, who has it and how it his being used. About ideas; notion of creating the good. it is about achieving the good society . Clash of personal wants and needs and society"s needs. It is about who gets what, when, how and why. (harold laswell - materials) It is the authoritative allocation of values for a society (david easton - intangible things) Rules that establish order; how they are established, written and enforced. It is the application of rules within a location (max weber) Leadership- its dynamics (how people conform and why?) Dirty activity (corruption; enrichment; manipulation idea of trying to secure support) Sentient beings/ self-conscious activity: formica vs. homo sapiens sapiens, anthropomorphism. Paradox of ubiquity: politics is everywhere but, everywhere is different. Interconnectedness: change by ideas and rules, rules reflect interest, governance and power. Etymology of politics tpoih - (proto-indo-european [pie]: fortification and citapol: pur/pura (sanskrit: city, polis, pl.