POLS 110 Study Guide - Proportional Representation, Intouch Holdings, Scientific Method

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Power is the capacity to bring about outcomes; not necessarily negative. Power is a web of interaction, like a structure; if it breaks, it can be repaired, only as strong as its weakest link . Power is an operative concept, allowing for a sort of hierarchy of political actors/interests in political systems. The exercise of power involves the limiting or impairing of the recipient"s choice in some way controlling their freedom of action. Relational power ability to get someone to do something they would not usually do. Structural power ability to change the environment (political, legal, social) within which other actors have to operate. Hard power ability to provide incentives and punishments to others in order to achieve desired outcomes. Soft power relies on less tangible factors: ideology, ideas, culture, media. Influence the ability to change other"s behaviour without exerting direct power over them ie. persuasion; influence is used to procure power.