LING 202- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 76 pages long!)

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Class ii: january 10th 2018; concepts and methods of. Approaches to sociolinguistics: language variation and change - choices were making about which words to use, grammar structures, what accents to speak in. Some of these choices are predictable they are unconscious choices we make. They can also be conscious decisions if we are aware of the variation, albeit less frequent. Does everyone talk the same way: dell hymes, qualitative, micro Sound and meaning: arbitrary, no inherent relation between sound and meaning, there is a conventional meaning, meaning is shared and understood by all speakers of a language. Rise of people writing grammar books in the 18th century. They thought everyone should talk like themselves and the masses should follow suit, they often contrast each other: regulate, language laws. In quebec there are language laws, which language to use in what circumstances: standard, sets up opposition. non-standard - more neutral - not the correct way of speaking, but it is okay.