KNPE 125 Study Guide - Final Guide: Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, Peristalsis, Aldosterone

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Muscle physiology: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle. Perimysium- divides muscle into sections called fascicles. Runs parallel to each other to form skeletal muscle. Longest cells in body up to 12cm. Site of neuromuscular junction and initiation of muscular ap. Localized to areas of cell where atp is most needed. Comprise the majority of the volume in a muscle fibre. Made up of a series of sarcomeres joined end to end. Each molecule has active site that can bind to myosin head (forms crossbridge) Made up of two chains combined: also made up of troponin and tropomyosin. Motor of muscle; two heads and one tail. Made up of 250 molecules of myosin wrapped around each other. Power stroke- pulling actin and shortening sarcomere. Myosin head tightly bound to actin active site. 12 no atp bound to head: myosin release. Energy released allows myosin head to move down actin filament into cocked position: myosin reattaches.