ITLN 010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Infinitive

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Direct object is the direct recipient of the action of a verb: Verbs that take direct object are called transitive verbs, those that do not take a direct object (she walks, i sleep) are intransitive. The form of a direct object pronoun depends on the number and gender of the noun it replaces: Direct object pronoun immediately precedes a conjugated verb, even in a negative sentence: Io compro la frutta, ma mio figlio non la mangia. I buy fruit, but my son doesn"t eat it. Direct object pronouns can be attached to the end of an infinitive. The final -e of the infinitive is dropped: It"s a good idea to greet him. If the infinitive is preceded by a form of dovere, potere, or volere, the object pronoun may either attach to the infinitive or precede the conjugated verb: Voglio magiarla/ la voglio mangiare what a beautiful apple!