ITLN 010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Infinitive, Preposition And Postposition

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Many verbs are irregular, they do not follow the regular pattern of conjugation (infinitive stem. + endings) they may have different stem or different endings. There are only four irregular verbs ending in -are: dare (to give), stare (to stay), andare (to go), and fare (to do; to make) If andare is followed by another verb (to go dancing, to go eat), the sequence andare + a + infinitive is used. Andare is conjugated, but the second verb is used in the infinitive. It is necessary to use a even if the infinitive is separated from the form of andare. When andare is followed by the name of a country, the preposition in is used; when it is followed by the name of a city, a is used. Vado in italia, a perugia i"m going to italy, to perugia. Present tense conjugations of these 4 irregular verbs: