HIST 295 Final: Holocaust Review

137 views5 pages
29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

History 295: holocaust review: major concentration camps establish by the nazi regime, only six are the death camps and they were all in poland. Not to say that other concentration camps were not deadly, but the original purpose was not for extermination, dachau was for political prisoners. But the ones in poland were designed to execute the final solution. Auschwitz, chelmno, treblinka, sobibor, belzec, madjanek were the six death camps in poland. Luftwaffe, one of the other things he oversaw the economy. Jews, but when the s. a started destroying jewish properties people were anxious to confiscate jewish property, he would sometimes resist, what is the cost of this to the. In 1938 in kristallnacht he was mad with goebbels: goebbels is the one who orchestrated kristallnacht, he is the master of the big lie. We know a lot from hitler"s feelings and thoughts through goebbels diary.