HIST 200- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 40 pages long!)

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Prehistory and indus valley civilization. centers in the early indus civilization was harappa and mohenjo-daro. Before these centers that indo-aryans were regarded as the of the subcontinent. After ancient egypt and mesopotamia indus civilization was the third major early civilization of mankinddilmun has been identified as bahrein and magan seems to be identical with present oman. Meluhha may have referred to the indus valley from where. Mesopotamia obtained wood, copper, gold, silver, carnelian and cotton. Indus culture was based on theocratic state who"s twin capitals show traces of highly centralized organization. People were exterminated in a last massacre. their warrior god, indra, was, after all, praised as a breaker of forts in many vedic hymns. In the indus valley other important cities are kot diji to the east of mohenjo-daro and amri in the dadu. District on the lower indus. strata have been named pre-harappan,early harappan,